We have ten years of experience with certification processes.

To make it easy to get started, Imprint Consulting offers consultancy and assists you in understanding the criteria under various certifications.

You can learn more about our consultancy in some of the most requested certifications on this page.

We have experience with a wide range of certifications, including GOTS, OEKO-TEX, GRS, RWS, OCS, RCS, RDS, and more.


Support your green transition and product development


GOTS Certificering

Do you work with organic fibers and materials in your products? And do you lack assurance that the social and environmental conditions are in order throughout the value chain?

Then the GOTS certification is something for you.

For the past ten years, we have assisted numerous companies with their GOTS certification and/or re-certification and are happily continuing to help new companies on their way to GOTS.

Options for advisory processes

Based on experience, we have developed three different versions of a GOTS advisory process that can be used for both new certification and re-certification.

Maybe one of them suits you?

For more information and a quote, contact us via email or phone.

1. Training in GOTS

Here we equip you with the content and requirements of the certification so that everyone understands what a GOTS certification entails. Afterward, you continue to work on implementation yourselves.

Introductory presentation withtraining

Knowledge & Training

Knowledge & Training

Knowledge & Training

Introduktionsoplæg med træning

  • ½ dags træningssession med fokus på GOTS-standardens krav og kriterier, og hvordan de overholdes
  • Træningsmateriale,
    GOTS-håndbog udleveres

You implement GOTS yourselves.

2. GOTS Advisory Process

Here we are with you all the way - when it comes to training in certification, reviewing the various processes, requirements, and elements of certification. We identify what you need and what you're missing to reach your goals. We review your documentation, assist in developing policies, provide guidance on external communication of GOTS, assist in the certification application, and much more. We help you from start to finish and will be your knowledgeable sparring partner throughout your GOTS journey.

Introductory presentation withtraining

Knowledge & Training

Introduktionsoplæg med træning

  • ½ dags træningssession med fokus på GOTS-standardens krav og kriterier, og hvordan de overholdes
  • Træningsmateriale,
    GOTS-håndbog udleveres

Mapping & overview,

1:1 training,

development and sparring


Kortlægning & overblik,

1:1 oplæring,

udvikling og sparring

  • GAP analyse: hvad har I? Hvad mangler?
  • Gennemgang af politikker, manualer, testprogrammer 
  • Formaliserede procedure udvikles/opdateres 
  • Kontrakter og Codes (CoC) udvikles/opdateres

Certified company in practice, 1:1 training,

development and sparring


Certificeret virksomhed i praksis, 1:1 oplæring,

udvikling og sparring

  • Dokumentflow
  • Processer (Procesmanual)
  • Ansvarlige / Governance (Systemplan)
  • Leverandørsamarbejde

Introduction presentation,

2x Workshops,

1:1 Training, development and sparring

Due diligence


2x Workshop,

1:1 Oplæring,
udvikling og sparring

  • Forpligtelse og Governance
  • Politik opdateres/udvikles
  • Træning i due diligence for bæredygtighed i praksis  
  • Risikovurdering udføres

We are in continuous contact and available for sparring throughout the advisory process.

3. Due diligence for GOTS 7.0

Are you already GOTS-certified and facing re-certification under GOTS version 7.0? Then we'll prepare you for the next audit and ensure that you continue to meet the requirements of the GOTS standard. The most significant change in the revised standard is the addition of requirements to implement due diligence processes. Implementing due diligence for sustainability in the company can be a significant undertaking, which we will guide you through to prepare for re-certification.

GOTS-certified company

Introduction presentation,

2x Workshops,

1:1 Training, development and sparring

Due diligence


2x Workshop,

1:1 Oplæring,
udvikling og sparring

  • Forpligtelse og Governance
  • Politik opdateres/udvikles
  • Træning i due diligence for bæredygtighed i praksis  
  • Risikovurdering udføres

Regardless of the process you choose, we always ensure to internally equip your company so that the relevant employees are engaged, become ambassadors for the project, take ownership of tasks, and spread the agenda throughout all levels of the company.

Previous clients

We have assisted a number of brands through the GOTS certification process, such as Moonboon, Specktrum, Skall Studio, Redefined Fashion, Konges Sløjd, VACVAC studio, That’s Mine, Liewood, and more.

Is it time for re-certification?

We guide you through a re-certification when the time comes. With ongoing increasing requirements for GOTS certification, re-certification can involve significant work. We advise you through the process so that you are prepared for your next audit and ensure that you continue to meet the certification requirements.



Do you work with recycled materials? Do you desire traceability throughout the value chain and want to ensure that social and environmental conditions are in order during production?

Then GRS certification is something for you.

Options for advisory processes

For the past five years, we have assisted numerous companies with their GRS certification and/or re-certification, and we are happy to continue helping new companies on their way to GRS. Based on experience, we have developed two different versions of a GRS advisory process.

Perhaps one of them suits you?

Training in GRS

Here we equip you with the content and requirements of the certification so that everyone understands what a GRS certification entails. Afterward, you can continue to work on implementation yourselves.

GRS Advisory Process

Here we are with you all the way - when it comes to teaching the certification, reviewing the various processes, requirements, and elements of the certification. But also with assistance in developing procedures and documentation, guidance in external communication of GRS, application for certification, and much more. We help you from start to finish and will be your knowledgeable sparring partner throughout your GRS journey.

Regardless of which process you choose, we always ensure to internally equip your company so that the relevant employees are engaged, become ambassadors for the project, take ownership of tasks, and spread the requirements of the standard throughout all levels of the company.

Working with social and environmental standards can be quite a jungle. Textile production is a complex affair with a long supply chain, where it can often be difficult to understand the actual conditions.

A certification or standard provides the opportunity to work on selected focus areas, such as organic fibers, working conditions, or reduced chemicals.

Finally, certain certifications, such as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and GRS (Global Recycled Standard), allow for labeling the finished product with a recognizable logo, thus communicating to the end consumer that the product meets a specific standard.