Due diligence for Sustainability

Is your company also facing the challenge of having to document how you take responsibility? Then due diligence may be the solution you've been missing.

Attention to due diligence and responsible business conduct is increasing significantly across industries. Many companies are faced with increased demands and expectations to operate responsibly and to document their efforts for responsible business conduct. The upcoming EU legislation on due diligence is expected not only to be relevant for large companies but also to impact the requirements placed on smaller companies.

Implementing due diligence can meet these requirements and create a solid foundation for responsible business operations. An essential part of being a responsible company is systematically working to prevent, avoid, and manage negative impacts on people, the environment, climate, and biodiversity. Having effective and impactful due diligence processes in place can not only help companies operate responsibly but also contribute to making important business decisions - such as choosing new business areas, partnerships, and products.

With our course in due diligence, your company gets:

An internationally recognized approach to conducting responsible business practices

Experience with what due diligence means in practice

A solid basis for meeting future legislation and external requirements

An overview of the company's impact and risks throughout the value chain

A method for handling the company's negative impact, linked to your existing processes and practices

A foundation for communicating transparently about the company's work with responsibility and sustainability

Internal anchoring of the company's work with accountability across the organization

Due diligence, also known as sustainability due diligence, is based on a set of internationally recognized guidelines for how companies act responsibly.

It is a process where the company systematically works to identify, prevent, limit, and communicate their existing and potential negative impacts on people, the environment, and society.

Get started on sustainability due diligence

At Imprint Consulting, we have developed tools that make the work with due diligence tangible.

We use and introduce you to the tools in our advisory process, but you can also freely access the material by contacting our due diligence specialist Silke Sønderstrup-Granquist. Send an email, and she will send you the tools.

The tools you will have access to are:

Template for commitment agreement

The first step in a due diligence process involves your company committing in writing to integrate the work of sustainability due diligence. You can customize the template to fit your company's needs.

Template for supplier mapping

In the second step of the due diligence process, you need to conduct a risk assessment of areas where your company and value chain have risks of negative impacts on people, the environment, and society. Start by mapping your business, including suppliers and partners.

Risk assessment tool

Risk assessment is essential for your due diligence process. The template 'Risk Tool' helps you make the risk assessment manageable and prioritize risks in the value chain.

Our due diligence tools are used nationwide by business developers from Denmark's Business Houses. Likewise, the Danish Business Authority acknowledges the tools we have developed. Therefore, you can find the above templates on the Business Guide's website.