Upskilling of

Danmarks Erhvervshuse

Based on our and the consultancy firm Impact CSR's experiences in developing practice-oriented programs in due diligence, we won the public tender to upskill business developers from Denmark's Business Houses in due diligence for sustainability.

The upskilling program, supported by the Danish Business Authority, ran from October 2022 to February 2023.

The purpose of the program was to educate business developers from all Denmark's Business Houses in due diligence knowledge, methods, and tools. After the program, they would be well-equipped to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in starting their due diligence journey.

SMEs today face increasing demands to account for responsibility throughout their value chains, making it a high priority for Denmark's Business Houses and the Danish Business Authority to help SMEs understand and meet the requirements for due diligence for sustainability.

Our focus has been on creating an engaging upskilling program for the Business Houses with practical methods and tools that can easily be transferred to the business developers' daily practices. Participants should not only have due diligence knowledge but also due diligence know-how after the program.

To strengthen business developers' understanding of the due diligence process and the underlying international guidelines, the program was built around the six steps in the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct.

Following the practical approach, a due diligence guide and a set of tools were developed during the upskilling program, making the otherwise complex topic more tangible.

Additionally, introductory videos and company cases were created for each of the six steps of the due diligence process, demonstrating how Danish SMEs have approached due diligence work in practice.

The upskilling program also included workshops and webinars aimed at embedding the guide's content into the business developers' minds. The focus was on activating the business developers through cases and practical exercises, giving them first-hand experience in using the tools in practice.

In total, 30 business developers from the six Business Houses in Denmark have been trained in the practical methods and tools. They are now able to conduct a basic assessment and introduction to due diligence for sustainability. The upskilling program has been well-received by both participants and project managers, who highlight its skilled instructors and practical approach.

The program has resulted in the Business Houses launching the Sustainable Value Chains platform, and business developers are now ready across the country to assist SMEs in starting their due diligence for sustainability journey at their local Business House.

We find it very motivating that through our upskilling program, we have not only helped the 30 business developers but also contributed to raising awareness of due diligence and helping many Danish companies start this important work.

Based on the program, we can increase small and large companies' understanding of how to work with due diligence for sustainability and strengthen their ability to engage in responsible business conduct throughout the value chain.

Client: Danmarks Erhvervshuse

Focus areas: Due Diligence for bæredygtighed

Period: Efterår 2022 - Forår 2023

Advisors: Silke Sønderstrup-Granquist, Imprint, Signe Mørk Sørensen, Impact CSR

Is your organization also interested in an upskilling program in due diligence? Or, after an introduction to due diligence at the Business Houses, do you need consultancy tailored to your company's needs?

We tailor consultancy programs where we cover all aspects and go into depth so that you can embed due diligence in your daily operations.


Do you wish to get an insight into the tools we and business developers from Denmark's Business Houses use in our work with due diligence for sustainability?

Then you can reach out to our due diligence expert, Silke Sønderstrup-Granquist.

Send an email, and she will send the tools to you.

The due diligence tools are so practical that the Danish Business Authority has also decided to make them available on their website, Virksomhedsguiden, where you can freely download them.


Due diligence is English for 'due diligence' and is a process where companies map, prevent, limit, and account for how they handle their existing and potential negative impacts.

Central to due diligence is the concept of risks, understood here as negative impacts on people, the environment, and society that companies cause, contribute to, or are otherwise connected with through their business activities, supply chains, and business relationships.

Due diligence should be anchored both at the management level and in daily work, and integrated into policies for responsible business conduct, so companies can address their negative impacts.

No companies are expected to solve all challenges in their value chains, but they are expected to take responsibility for understanding and addressing the impact they have. This is emphasized in the OECD guidelines, which state that all links in a value chain should have their own due diligence processes in place to assess risks, follow up, and improve. Although this is not an easy task, companies can thereby share responsibility with partners and suppliers.